Learning Guide
Learning Guide Remote Control

Welcome to Smart Center For Teaching & Learning.
This is an introduction on how to use the remote control service. If you need the remote control service please press the button at the bottom of this page.

What is remote control service

Whenever you are confronted with a computer problem related to the studies in Seoul Regional E-Learning Support Center, our representative will directly connect at your PC in order to solve it quick and easy.

How to receive remote control service

1. Make a phone call to SeLc help desk service. (02-2220-1455)

2. Click on the button to open up a remote request window.

3. Enter the register numbers from SeLc administrator at the
* Please do install all the necessary active-x controls for the security purposes.

4. Once you are connected, the representative will be in control of your PC and will close the connection as soon as he/she is done.
* Please do read FAQ before receiving a remote control service.

Service Agreement

Remote control service is made whenever and only by clicking on the Request Remote Control Service and the its sole purpose is to fix any conflict in user's PC.
Please do not run any application that might reveal personal information such as internet banking service while representative is on line.

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